• AI Report 10

  • AMOVA (Analysis of MOlecular VAriance) 7.4

  • API key 10

  • Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) 6.2

  • Chromosome Info. 4.3

  • Circos Plot 7.2

  • Core Sample Set 9.1

  • Core SNP Set 9.2

  • DAPC (Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components) 6.2

  • data.frame 3.1

  • Demo Data 3.1

  • Diversity Parameter 7.1

  • Genetic Distance 7.3

  • genind 5

  • genlight 5

  • Group Info. 6.6

  • Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) 4.2

  • Heterozygosity rate 4.1

  • IBS (Identity By State) 8.3

  • Kinship Analysis 6.5

  • Manhattan Plot 8.4

  • Minor allele frequency (MAF) 4.2

  • Missing rate 4.1

  • NJ (Neighbor-Joining) Tree 6.4

  • OutFLANK 8.2

  • PCA (Principal Component Analysis) 6.1

  • pcadapt 8.1

  • Permutation Test 7.4

  • Sample QC 4.1

  • Scatter Plot 6.6

  • ShiNyP 2

  • Site Info. 3.1

  • SNP Density 4.3

  • SNP QC 4.2

  • Tree Plot 6.7

  • UPGMA (Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic mean) Tree 6.3

  • VCF 3.1


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